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Conciencia ecológica

El foco sobre las personas

Influencia positiva y regeneración

Viviendo el patrimonio cultural

  • 3 h
  • Max. 150 Pax
  •  Budget (€50 – 80)

The group can join in on the fight against climate change in the beach clean-up activity! Gaining more background knowledge of waste pollution in the Mediterranean is a major outcome of this activity as well as the satisfying feeling of doing something beneficial for the planet. Clean up a polluted beach with a group and return it to its original beauty.

Beach Clean-Up: On the way to a more sustainable world 

In collaboration with the nonprofit organisation Cleanwave, the group will take up the fight against plastic and other forms of waste in the sea surrounding the Balearic islands! Participants will meet up at one of the many amazing beaches of the island and receive their tools for the day. Once all are equipped with reusable gloves and bags, the fun can begin. Everything found in the designated cleaning area will need to be picked up – only nature's products can be left behind! Bags filled with plastic and other types of rubbish will be emptied at the collection station where the rubbish needs to be sorted by the group. In dialogue with one another and Asociación Ondine participants will learn about the background, significance and, most importantly, the consequences of pollution in the sea. A day of learning beneath the Ibicencan sun awaits the group!

After the Beach Clean-Up

For a sustainability-focused incentive trip, a day full of sustainable activities can be arranged. The beach clean-up activity can be combined with the upcycling challenge. This is a perfect way of seeing more of the island! In the upcycling challenge, groups will go with high-quality bicycles to different spots where a clean-up is needed. In the evening, a sustainable dinner option would be the Zero km Food Experience, where guests will eat delicious local food in a beautiful garden. 

Contact us today for your sustainable day!