Just a couple of days ago we were asked again, why we don't post anything on our website. Our answer was: 27 groups between May and July. Speedboat trips around Mallorca, iPad GPS Challenges from Mallorca to Italy, Gala dinners in all forms and sizes, island tours with Jeep Wrangler or Mercedes E-Class cabriolets, paella and tapas workshops, wine tastings, tapas tours in Palma, boat excursions, watersport activities, transfers and several weddings - two of them from our staff members. No, this period was many things - but definitely not quiet.
The challenging part was not to get so many groups on the island but the precise logistics necessary to handle them. 950 incentive participants deserved an awesome stay and maximum attention from our side - with a smile, of course. The great feedbacks we've recieved for our work, let us know, we exceeded all expectations. Thanks!
07/07/2014, Chris